Rule 5: All story promotion must go in the official thread. Blacking out spoilers for the original Fallout: Equestria is encouraged, but not necessary. Posts and threads that fail to do this will be subject to deletion at the discretion of the group's admins. Rule 4: When posting threads or comments about sidestory spoilers (such as spoilers from Project Horizons), please be courteous to others and black out spoilers with the spoiler tag. If you still can't find the answer, then feel free to post a thread* Rule 3: If you have a question about a story, check the Wiki first. Requests for anything else (such as art, or ideas) should be made in the relevant groups around the site. Rule 2b: All requests or offers for writing help must be made in the help thread. Admins reserve the right to lock/delete any thread that's not suitable for this group. Yes, it may be very exciting that you did well on your maths test, but this group isn't the place to celebrate. Rule 2: No non- Fallout: Equestria related threads, please. Please treat other users politely and keep any and all discussion civil. These decisions may range from warnings to other, more drastic punishments, depending on the severity of the infraction. Offensive behavior toward other users or admins, and/or their work, will result in administrative action against those involved.